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Interest Badges

Interest badges
The Brownie badge book contains 69 different interest badges that we can work on. Sometimes there are new badges, like the Circus skills badge.These are the badges that we are working on at the moment - and some of the badges we have gained recently.

Writer - Stage 1 - so far we have written letters about our Promise ceremony and written about all the things we did for Thinking Day.

Communications - so far we have written a letter but we still have to act out a scene from a Brownie event and show that we can set the video at home!

Speaker - Stage 1 - so far we have had group discussions about Pack Holiday but we still have the rest of the badge left to do!

Jester - We had our Annual Show last week for our parents, we rehearsed for 4 months and 11 of us gained this badge.

Thrift - we're collecting stamps and have made crafts out of 'junk' materials!

Toymaker - made Santa hoopla's from cereal boxes. Puppet and toy still to do!

Conservation - we have built bird boxes and helped the park rangers to clean some ponds!

Craft - we will be doing this badge next term but the Go! group have tie-dyed some T-shirts already!

House Orderly - we are going to do this badge at home when we are on our Easter holidays.

Cyclist - we are going to do this badge after Easter. Hope it doesn't rain or we'll need to try to fit 24 bikes in our hall!

Hostess - In November we held a coffee morning/jumble sale. We made cakes and table decorations, served tea and coffee and did the washing up!

Circus Skills - we loved doing this badge! A circus group came along and taught us how to juggle, spin plates and ride a unicycle!

Pack Holiday - this badge is for Brownies going away on their first Pack Holiday so some Brownies who are going on Harry Potter weekend will gain this badge.

Pack Holiday Advanced - this badge is for Brownies going away on their second Pack Holiday so some of the Brownies who are going to the Harry Potter weekend will gain this badge while they are away.

Cooks - Stage 1 - when we are on Pack Holiday we help the QM in the kitchen to make the meals so some of the Harry Potter brownies will get this badge.

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